While it is up to each of us to interpret the meaning behind Hive Mind Narcosis and the cryptic messages lurking through its dark cracks, its conceptual and musical grandeur is undeniable; not only for what it represents individually, as a superior singular chapter, but for what it stands for collectively when linked to the three previous works. There is a somber and paradoxical sense of cosmic structure in Thantifaxath that seems to result from their oeuvre’s interactions, as if mirroring the gravitational interplay between matter and dark matter and its metaphorical impact on the collective mind, which in the eyes of the Canadian trio, is currently unconscious.
Thantifaxath's formula feeds on this supernatural miasma, roaming through dissonant avant-garde territory and unsettling atmospheric soundscapes that give them a metaphysical aura above mundane reality akin to their contemporaries Deathspell Omega, Dodecahedron or Blut aus Nord, but occasionally unveiling a more progressive layer, in the classic sense of the genre. There is a feeling of fall in Thantifaxath's music, especially since Sacred White Noise, paradoxically materialized by the successive ascending note progressions that purposely drag it down rather than up, like an invisible hand that won't let you stay afloat. This downward spiral and fascination with the human voice, particularly choir overtones and its more disconcerting and sinister harmonics, are the collective's most distinctive traits, which thankfully migrated to their sophomore studio album, Hive Mind Narcosis.
Comes in tip-on jacket with insert.