The wildy prolific Finnish wizard, unleashing his ghastly spells of both horror and bewilderness for now about 20 years now, releases another brilliant record under this legendary project, and that which is probably the most old-school and primitive sounding of his full-lengths so far.
Half an hour of mid-paced old school Black Metal necromancy, inspired by legends such as Celtic Frost, Panzerfaust-era Darkthrone, Xantotol, or his compatrios in early Barathrum or Beherit's groundbreaking masterpiece in "Drawing Down the Moon".
Crushing mid-paced wizardry, delivered by old-school grooving riffs, often with odd structures like the Swiss legends so well did, accompanied by Atvar's harsh and grim vocal delivery and the eerie synthesizers that bring in some of the more abstract and ethereal atmosphere that characterizes plenty of the Elemental Cavern material.
Smoke LP-edition.