Dwarrowdelf's "Evenstar" pushes into new territory yet unexplored on previous releases, adding more complexity to the solo act's established atmospheric black metal style.Ultimately this album moves in a more organic direction, reaching into various metal domains that will appeal to those who enjoy power metal as well as black metal.
The black metal flavor of the record has moments that recall acts such as Agalloch or Elderwind, yet the guitar performance would be at home in any number of Finnish or Swedish melodic death metal acts. And through all this, there is a grand epicness, an energy that keeps the sometimes drony or slow atmospheric black metal genre from getting to lethargic. There are moments that for me were even reminiscent of Blind Guardian.
The guitars are melodic, providing low tuned riffing, spacial tremolos, and classic leads, with the bass filling the space beneath them. The percussion ranges from mid and low tempo rhythms to full scale blast beats. The keyboards hover eerily over the top, and the vocals range from harsh black metal style vocals, to baritone-range cleans, often harmonized. Undómiel seems an obvious favorite track for its catchiness, but those who prefer grimmer sounding tracks will find plenty of other suitable offerings.
Ultimately, this albums best quality is its dynamic. Listen to the record from start to finish and enjoy the shifting emotional ride, and if you already are a fan and collector of this genre of metal, I believe you will feel compelled to add this one to your shelf.