Meandering between swampy hooks and morbid crawls, the doomy and yet vicious death metal is absurdly heavy with an intensity that improved upon their already impressive sophomore album to deliver something diabolical that leaves a cosmic sludge in its wake. Additionally the instrumentation itself has vastly improved, the triumphant sweeping solos for example contain some serious chops that weirdly suit the murky songs in spite of their more traditionally heavy metal delivery, something that I appreciate ands adds grandeur and more dynamic to the extremity at hand.
A supremely powerful, sepulchral and mysterious record that takes the foundations of its predecessor into unfathomable new territories. This album is brimming with eldritch mystique, brooding sombreness and a sinister darkness which is conveyed with brutality but also a gracefulness that is to be commended. A truly inspiring and vibrant undertaking that is absolutely spectacular.
Black single jacket LP with printed inner sleeve and huge 24x36 inch poster.