Thou have been releasing material constantly. They are one of the hardest working bands out there. Constantly making splits, eps and playing hundreds of shows. Any praise they receive they wholly deserve it. They’ve worked extremely hard to get the amount of fans that they do now.
Their third album “Summit” is an album that marks new doors being opened for Thou. They explore different sounds and genres that they have tinkered with a bit in previous releases. On this album though they bring it all together to make an excellent, bludgeoning doom driven sound that will make you come back for more. Some changes in the music you will notice are the black metal influence on some songs. The drumming mainly is very black metal influenced and sounds great. It makes the music more interesting than most other doom metal bands, which don’t do a whole lot with their drumming. The first song on the album “By Endurance We Conquer” is a prime example. It starts out slow and gloomy, and then picks up with fast drumming from Josh Nee. A few seconds in comes in the vocals which are different on this album from most of their material. The vocals sound muddier and more black metal sounding. On their first album you could really hear the hardcore influence on his vocals. This has disappeared on this album though. These are black metal screeches and growls. The music on this album is much slower and drawn out than any other album/ep/split of theirs. This by no means is a bad thing, but rather an excellent thing. You get to witness much more of their musical prowess. The guitar tone is sludgy and muddy sounding. The guitars are probably the best thing on the album and hardest to describe. They sound like a combination of black metal, sludge metal, doom metal, drone, indie and shoegaze. It’s wonderful. I enjoy ever second of each song. Another new element to Thou is the song “Summit Revisited” which has horns playing. It’s an instrumental (the only one) this song is very moody and atmospheric. “By Endurance We Conquer” also has some horns playing in parts of it. The horns add a whole new element to the music, pushing the atmosphere further.
All in all this album is a must get. If you love shoegaze, indie, doom, drone, sludge or sloooow metal you will love this album.
Heavy Double LP, gatefold-edition.
Comes in a tip-on jacket with matte finish with a spot UV gloss print and red flooded inner pockets. Also includes a 16-page 11" x 11" booklet.