The ultimate (hardcover) book, which guides the mighty MAGNUS through their history from the very first day till present!!! What "Monomaniax" are presenting here, is THE ultimate story... a fukkin sick collection of ultra rare photos (seriously, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THESE!!!), flyers, posters are gathered in this book including tons of text-parts which were collected from all kinds of metal fanzines and mags from the past and present, to re-create the story of Magnus in the bands "very own way", so to say! Each of these killer books comes including 2x Photos, a Sticker, Poster. The whole book is written in english, spanisch AND polish at the same time (three parts on each page!), so there's no excuse this time! BUY OR DIE!!! This book is purest dedication and honor for one of the most extreme and REAL metal bands of all times, the living legend which has finally returned for the ultimate Death Revolution... MAGNUS!!!
+ 2-sided poster 60 x 26 cm
+ 2 stills with autographs
+ 12 cm sticker
+ "REWIND" audio CD (!!!) (almost 40 min), with a mix of old radio broadcasts and interviews from the MAGNUS archive!
Texts and signatures simultaneously in 3 languages: POLISH, ENGLISH, SPANISH (South America).
LTD edition of 200 copies. NO Re-press!