There’s definitely a devilish, diabolical flavor to the music — a sense of otherworldly peril and nightmarish hallucinations waft about the sounds, and many of the songs spiral off into whirling frenzies of delirious ecstasy. There’s tension and turmoil in the music as it ranges from gloomy, lurching stomps to feverish racing, in which you feel that something ungodly is chasing you.
Peals of dissonant melody and soft, moody note reverberations convey venomous hostility and ghostly hauntings; bursts of blasting percussion and grim, buzzing riffs channel a murderous chill; dervish-like fretwork manifests visions of witches and warlocks cavorting around midnight bonfires.
Lawa captures what they think is the essence of the Polish spirit: a boiling mixture of insane passion, belief in the supernatural, death worship and dwelling on the past.
Limited Amber vinyl-edition.