This material is probably the most underrated and under appreciated piece of material in the whole of Graveland's discography.
It could easily and accurately be compared to the sound of The Fire of Awakening, mostly with that rich heavy doom-laden guitar sound that was on that album. The drumming is more reminiscent of what was featured on the epic masterpiece, Creed of Iron, in that it is slow, pounding and cymbol-heavy marching beats.
the vocals are split into two parts. The raw, harsh growls and rasps of Rob Darken that has become trademark and imitated successfully by no one, and the epic, carefully-placed choirs that has become almost essential to Graveland since the masterful Immortal Pride-album. All these combined together make for one very strong atmosphere of war, battle, valkyries bringing fallen warriors to Valhalla and just about everything else which Rob tries, and succeeds, to bring to mind in his music.
This is the 10" edition of the 7" released 20 years ago.
This includes the songs in their original, intended length. Epic remix and remaster by Rob Darken.
Deluxe sleeve with silver-foil print. Comes with inlay. Limited black vinyl.