Proud Pagan Black Metal!
It was but September 2019 when Grabunhold released the mini-album Unter dem Banner der Toten. Justifiably celebrated, here did the German quartet poignantly prove that '90s black metal classicism could indeed come from the modern era. In fact, despite invoking a whole host of timeless influences - beyond the wandering moon, an arising realm upon a shadowthrone, dark waters stirring at the dawn of the dying sun - Grabunhold processed them in such an undeniably Teutonic, swords-drawn way that was not only wholly their own, it was wholly refreshing.
Wasting no time with this enviable momentum, Grabunhold return little more than a year later with more medieval madness: Heldentod, their full-length debut. Just as spellbinding as the preceding EP but even more expansive, Heldentod immediately creates a compelling canvas that's simultaneously tied to tradition and pushing that tradition further. Its songwriting and attendant sound field suggest strong second-wave vibes - silent citadels, sequestered keeps, and dark dungeons.
Taste the German steel of Grabunhold.
Black LP-edition + insert