Finally, two years after GoL's striking self-titled debut demo, the second manifestation from this act of austrian mysticism.
This duo, formed by R.F. (Rosa Nebel, Parasite Dreams, Peace Vaults, etc.) on composition and with participation of J.M. (Kringa, Brånd, Weathered Crest, Eisenhand, etc.) on synths present here a terrific follow up for the projects debut.
Showing a much more refined and deepened sound, Gates of Londra still thrives treading its triumphant path along many genres and styles. Mixing its Industrial but Martial percussion, with elements of Post-Punk and Darkwave not only in the melodies used, but also in some of the Synth work, which is much more present and varied here, and in the excellent outro song and of course, the reinventing and reinterpretation of the Epic/Symphonic Black Metal sound, doing it very uniquely and enriching, along the lines of some other recent acts like Gates of Dawn, Midnight Betrothed or Kaldeket.
The riffs remain mostly primitive and with a strong Punk influence but have much more variety to them, compared to the debut, carrying in themselves a strong vigor and might, as well as an atmosphere of mysticism and fantasy that adorns the battlefields, particularly in the beautiful leads, which perfectly encapsule the conceptual influence for this project, Moorcock's "History Of The Runestaff". So does the contrast of elements, between ancient medieval synthesizers and primeval Symphonic Black Metal riffage with the modern dystopian sounds of Industrial percussion and Post-Punk perfectly fit in Moorcock's envision of his post-apocalyptic creations.
Japanese style tip-on jacket with OBI and insert on black vinyl.