Wept forth from the bark of ages, rays of starlight emitting fantasy realms of creeping whisper and hypnotic melody, comes herald that foundation of weald worship known by the hymn of Forest Temple. Wrought by the arcane ministrations of the Lupine Warleader, Lepidus Plague—more infamous for his work with Kommodus—Forest Temple has been ensorcelling an eerie construct of dungeon synth sorcery since the age of 2019, spellcraft of sombre dreams and dreadful splendour. Twin incantation by title of Twilight of the Ancient Wood and Fantasy and Fable from Beyond the Mythic Realm were the first unleashed in this age.
From Stardust Bled Into Soil - The Trees Whisper is a compilation of celestial succour, the wandering tales of spirits caught between the power of Oberon and the dance of his faerie court. A melodic driven dungeon synth dedication to the unseen and unheard magicks of the infinite spheres, one steeped in mystery and beautiful spectral atmospherics. An ode to those knights slain, rusted armour dragging them down beneath well water of woe, skeletal faces submerged within the minstrels madness. A taste of the Forest Temple’s earliest inception, those seeking a deep dirge into the realms of dungeon synth, need lap their tongues upon the ocean of the ages no longer. The Forest Temple takes root in the mind, sends seed upon spectral winds to the spirit.