The True Bottomless Armageddon writhes in the full moon spell of the black moors, relishes in its orthodox expression of raw black metal drone dissonance. Unlike Blackdeath’s The Bottomless Armageddon, the original Black Draugwath version is far more raw in its execution, and features the original vocal orations. A fierce force of unrelenting archaic tremolo melodics, thick audible basslines, pulverising penetration percussion, eerie compositional atmospherics, and varied expression of spell solace, one that balances its orthodox heritage well with that of brief experimental forays of hypnotic repetition. The True Bottomless Armageddon is the most potent incantation Black Draugwath would pen before it's rebirth as Blackdeath, and will be a sanguine feast for those already familiar with the Russian entity, but also a superb entry point for those unfamiliar and unknowing of the black wolf’s spirit.
Now, this album firstly released on vinyl in its initial form after so many years, for one time press of 200 copies.
Goatowarex 2022