The brand new record by Aethyrick on out END ALL LIFE PROD!
A few words from the band:
After writing Kolme Veljestä, an EP in Finnish which leaned heavily into atmospheric elements and which was also very midtempo-based even for us, a bit faster songs started to pour out as a result of a semi-subconscious need for balance or perhaps change and development. Also, there had been this urge to write material with a kind of inherently Nordic feeling to it, paying homage to the Scandinavian Black Metal tradition of the 90s as exemplified by the likes of, for example, OLD MAN’S CHILD and GEHENNA, and once this looming impulse was given its opportunity to flourish, the songs Empyrean Silver and The Hands of Fate were born. After those two emerged, the album started to write itself in a way. Although we’ve been quite active on the release front to say the least, we have always composed our songs with zero pressure to get things going fast just so that we’d have at least something to put on our albums. Instead, it has felt more like these songs have been given to us, so to speak, even it might sound like a worn-out cliché.